October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, dedicated to recognizing those impacted, as well as providing support for family, friends and research efforts. According to the American Cancer Society, odds are that 1 in 8 women will have invasive breast cancer in her life. A healthy lifestyle that incorporates certain foods may help fight breast cancer. Top 5 Foods to Optimize Breast Health & Help Fight Cancer 1. Broccoli: According to research, consuming cruciferous vegetables can help provide the body with cancer-fighting elements like vitamin C, phytochemicals and calcium. Of all the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli ranks highest in vitamin C content, an antioxidant that may assist with stimulating anti-cancer cells, stopping tumors from spreading and helping the body repair after cancer surgery. It’s been suggested that individuals with higher levels of vitamin C in their blood have a reduced risk of developing cancer than those with lower levels. Adding brocc...
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