Breakup Blues? Why Cats Make Better Partners! (Cat vs Men)

Breakup Blues? Why Cats Make Better Partners!

Have you seen this tongue-and-cheek list of why cats make better partners than men? I added a few, so feel free to add more of your own in the comment section below. Ladies, no matter who you date or marry, you will likely find a nugget of truth in this list. So, men take note, or better yet, write your own list about why cats (or dogs, horses, parrots etc.,) make better partners than women!

When a cat sleeps all day it is natural, not annoying.
You never have to spend time with your cat’s mother.
You will never get a call from your cat’s ex.

You can stroke a cat without automatically being expected to have sex.
A cat never comes home drunk after being out all night with friends.
Cats never pretend they know how to fix what is broken.

Cats can fend for themselves.
It is okay if your cat rubs up against the guests in your home.
Cats love rubbing up to your legs regardless if you shaved or not.

Cats do not care what you wear.
Cats do not (and cannot) fake loving you.
Cats love to see you come home from shopping with lots of bags!

A cat is never late for dinner.
Cats do not burp.
Cats can – and should be – neutered if they stray.
Your cat does not care what size your boobs are.

Of course, not all men are like this – and to those men who are honorable and respectable, I say kudos to you! And many mother-in-laws are actually wonderful — and those are probably the ones that raised their sons to be good solid trustworthy men who, just like a cat, do not rub up against guests in your living room nor care whether you shaved your legs or not!

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